domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010

The animal in me!!!


The polar bear is a solitary animal, who lives alone or with his family. He always  protects his belongings, like his son, his food and his burrow.  
The polar bear sleeps a lot, because he can't do anything for the weather because in the Artic Circle always snows and almost it's always night, too. 
He loves swimming in the cold weather and jumping for all the icebergs. He normaly eats  fish but sometimes he eats meat (only when he hunts). 

He has got an important characteristic and with that, I feel more idetifieded.
- When he wants to do something, he always tries  to do it, and if he doesn't get it, he tries it again and again. 

This is the animal in me, the polar bear. It is only an animal wich does his objectives, with either more or less time!!!

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